Saturday, September 28, 2013

ABSENTEEISM Affects the Learning of the Students

ABSENTEEISM- how does it affect the student's learning. How to deal students with excessive absences.

When we say ABSENTEEISM it is the frequent or habitual absence from school or work.

How does it affect the student's learning?

Student absenteeism is a major concern for instructors or lecturers at their schools. Absences creates unpleasant classroom environment that makes students who come to come to their class uncomfortable and lecturers or instructors very irritable.

When students are absent from class they miss valuable information given by the instructors. Students who are always absent cannot participate well in class. It can also lead to poor grades.This is because students are not present to learn the material and perform poorly on tests.

Frequent classroom absences are statistically linked to later problems, such as dropping out, using drugs and tobacco, engaging in criminal activity and being unemployed. According to the Open Society Institute, the average student who drops out misses the equivalent of one year of school between 6th grade and the point of dropping out. (

How to deal students with excessive absences?

Teacher should really check the attendance before starting the class and after the class. It is not the teachers fault if the students are absent but the problem is the students who were absent will be left behind by the daily lesson. Teachers have to adapt to classroom absences by grading old assignments and offering test retakes and also repeating instruction students missed. This slows down the overall pace of learning for all students in the classroom including those who were not absent.

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