Saturday, October 19, 2013

What have you Learned in EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY 2?

What I've Learned in Educational Technology 2

I've learned many things in this subject. This kind of subject teaches us to be more globally competitive. 
It can help the teachers and also the future teachers to do their job well in an amazing way. It can help the teachers to make their topic lively as they like. 

One of the best feature of this subject is the hands-on activity that was given to us by our instructor specially in doing the HTML or what we call the (Hypertext markup Language). It allowed us to apply the things we've learned during the discussion that was done by our instructors or during the lectures that been made.

This subject has given us the opportunity to experience with technology use. It taught us not only in technology matter but it also taught us to have patience and really have dedication to our work specially in doing HTML. Patience because it really needs time to see and discover the things that you want to appear to the things that you want to be displayed in your work. 

I know in myself that If I will be soon become a teacher I know I can use this learning tool for my future students. This subject basically helped us in preparing ourselves to be very ready for a globally competitive world. 

Thanks to our instructor and for this subject because without it we can't have a knowledge about this matter.

Sunday, September 29, 2013

One Classroom Policy that Haven't Existed Yet

Suggest one classroom policy that haven't existed yet which you think will help both teachers and students in the learning process.

I think one policy that would help both teachers and students in learning process is "Never Let a Student ENTER into a classroom if he/she were not able to Bring a Book that he/she going to use during the Lecture". For me, a student must bring his/her source of knowledge so that he/she will be able to concentrate during the lecture and the learner will not disturb another learner just because of borrowing book to his/her classmate. By this you can share your very own idea about the said topic that your teacher is discussing or lecturing.

Student-Teacher Relationship

Student-Teacher Relationship

The teacher student relationship is very important for the students. Students spend 5 to 7 hours everyday with a teacher for almost 10 months.  A positive relationship between the teacher and the student is difficult to build. Children have different ways  for learning and achieving their goals. There will be students in the classroom that will absorb the lesson or that will learn quickly but at the same time there will be students who have to be repeatedly taught using different strategies and techniques or ways for the student to be able to understand the said lesson.

A teacher must really monitor the students so that he or she will be aware of the difficulties or the problem that the students encounter. When the teacher becomes aware of the problems he or she will have more patience with the student and it will let the child feel secured and okay. Teachers can establish a positive relationship with their students by communicating with them and properly providing feedback to them. Respect between teacher and student will build a very good and positive relationship in teaching and learning. Establishing a positive relationship with students will encourage students to seek education and be good or do well in school. 

Saturday, September 28, 2013

UNRULY BEHAVIOR of the Students

Unruly Behavior- giving corporal punishment to unmanageable students is a big no-no for teachers, what are the other ways to tame such kind of students?

Unruly Behavior - Difficult or impossible to discipline, control, or rule.

What are the other ways to tame such kind of students?

Before, students or children are disciplined trough spanking or giving them punishments but nowadays parents are trying a gentler approach to defuse the unruly behavior of their children. 

The best way to tame unruly behaviors of the students are:
  • The first thing that you should do is to identify the behavior of the student
  • Explain how it is disrupting the flow of the class session
  • Stare at them until they pay attention
  • Speak to them during break and nicely ask them to pay attention.
  • Agree on specific house rules before you begin.
  • Ask them to leave if they don't follow your rules and lastly
  • Control your emotions
Maybe with those rules  students will behave and listen to the teacher.


CHEATING- As future teachers, what do you think are the measures to use in order to minimize the case of cheating.

refers to an immoral way of achieving a goal, such as cheating on an exam. 

As future teachers, what do you think are the measures to use in order to minimize the case of cheating?

Teachers cannot control the students or the behavior of the students. For me, teachers can still show that they care about the integrity of their classes by doing little things. For example space out students during exams like 1 seat apart or give different questions to different students. Give many short exams that are not written in the exercises of the book so that it would be difficult for a student to have help there all the time. Ask mastery type questions so that the student will know the material himself or herself in order to answer the questions and also ask the students to relate the subject matter to their own personal experiences or what we call life experiences. 

ABSENTEEISM Affects the Learning of the Students

ABSENTEEISM- how does it affect the student's learning. How to deal students with excessive absences.

When we say ABSENTEEISM it is the frequent or habitual absence from school or work.

How does it affect the student's learning?

Student absenteeism is a major concern for instructors or lecturers at their schools. Absences creates unpleasant classroom environment that makes students who come to come to their class uncomfortable and lecturers or instructors very irritable.

When students are absent from class they miss valuable information given by the instructors. Students who are always absent cannot participate well in class. It can also lead to poor grades.This is because students are not present to learn the material and perform poorly on tests.

Frequent classroom absences are statistically linked to later problems, such as dropping out, using drugs and tobacco, engaging in criminal activity and being unemployed. According to the Open Society Institute, the average student who drops out misses the equivalent of one year of school between 6th grade and the point of dropping out. (

How to deal students with excessive absences?

Teacher should really check the attendance before starting the class and after the class. It is not the teachers fault if the students are absent but the problem is the students who were absent will be left behind by the daily lesson. Teachers have to adapt to classroom absences by grading old assignments and offering test retakes and also repeating instruction students missed. This slows down the overall pace of learning for all students in the classroom including those who were not absent.

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Opinion About The K+12 Basic Education Program

"We need to add two years for our basic education. Those who can afford pay up to fourteen years of schooling before university. Thus, their children are getting into the best Universities and the best jobs after graduation. I want at least 12 years for our public school children to give them an even chance of succeeding." 
                          ~ President Benigno Simeon Cojuangco Aquino III

K to 12 is a curriculum which starts from K-Kindergarten and ends up to Grade 12. This means that after 13 years of basic education, a student who undertakes this curriculum will be completing 4 certificates or diploma. For me, it is a very nice idea of our President who agrees to add two years for learning.

The K+12 basic education curriculum will prepare the students for work. This short program will affect the development of Filipino children. Graduates of K+12 basic education program will become:
  • Globally competitive
  • more emotionally mature
  • Prepare for the word of work or entrepreneurship or higher education
  • Acquire mastery of basic competencies
Every graduate of K+12 basic Education program will be engaged in work and will become very productive. They will have the ability and capacity to transform others and one's self. 

Friday, July 19, 2013

The Effect of Mother Tongue as Medium of Communication

 When we say "Mother Tongue" or also known as native language. It is a language a person has learned from birth. For me, People speak different languages like Tagalog language, Filipino, English and many more. We communicate trough our mother tongue. In the future we will use our mother tongue to communicate with our students because we all know that it is one way of communication.
We understand each other because of our unique way or style of communicating. It is the key to all communication.

Learners listen and interact trough language in the process of learning. Everybody should talk in home their respective mother tongue, because in school students will speak in English and in out they will speak vernacular language.

Human being want to communicate their feelings clearly to others, that is the very purpose of language. This can only be achieved trough your mother tongue. At home you must communicate in order to have strong bond within your family or your teachers. Your communication and your feelings should be said without any doubt.

The people can learn lot of languages by following parents, relatives, and by befriending other students in their schools. The root for learning them in the mother tongue. We will speak in many languages but will always think our own mother language. As one of our parents started mother tongue is like a love, affection and imagination and other languages are for communication, integration and development.

Sunday, July 14, 2013

The Impact of technology as Educational Learning Tool

Technology is Everywhere 

Technology can be called as learning tool because nowadays technology are already common to students. This new generation already grow up with technology. technology is used to support both teaching and learning. technology infuses classrooms with digital tools such as computers and other devices. It also increase student engagement into their studies and motivation and it also accelerates learning. It accelerates learning because technology evolves and it does not stay on one stage. It keeps on upgrading and upgrading.
Just by sitting and facing the computer a student can learn many things trough exploring different programs or applications. Is is also called learning by doing.

A student can have a wide range of interest,outside their chosen area of study. they are not locked into one thing, although all are highly motivated and pursue their interest with passion. They use the latest technology like cellphones, computers , cameras and other devices. they expect things to work properly and work fast. The students get challenged. they learn by doing, not by reading the instruction manual or listening to lectures.

They will go on to become the leaders of our nation in many different roles like politicians, artisans, business executives, scientist and journalist. Much like how we learn by doing, that is, by practicing the art and science of or chosen paths.

Using Technology only enhances the hands-on experience, it does not or it cannot replace human interaction.

Information is on the Internet

Information is easily available from the internet, especially from the sites like  wikipedia. Because the internet provides easy information fast, the temptation to click " copy paste " and pull in quotes from a website without attribution is great. But students still get caught because faculty members can search for familiar phrases or quotes to root out plagiarism. Cheating is on the rise in universities. Based on the very social nature of Net generation and and the tremendous amount of information available to students these days at the touch of a button, the traditional definition of cheating is changing. How faculty assess is changing as well. Faculty still give written exams in subjects like English and Filipino. But they must be ever more alert to catch the cheating student. Cellphones and text messaging have allowed students to text back and forth between each other, because of emerging technologies, faculty are having to adapt their classes and how they assess students in order to uphold academic integrity.